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خبرة في الجراحات التالية:

جراحات السمنة بكافة أنواعها، حصوات المرارة بالمنظار، الغدة الدرقية، فتاق البطن بالمنظار، و فتاق الحجاز الحاجب، جراحات الشرج (علاج البواسير بأحدث الطرق و دون ألم THD - الناسور - الشرخ الشرجي)، أورام و أمراض المعدة و المرئ و الأمعاء الدقيقة و القولون بالمنظار - جراحة أورام الثدي، جراحة قرحة المعدة و الإرتجاع بالمنظار، جراحة كيس الشعر، جراحة أورام الجلد.

إستشاري جراحة عامة و جراحات السمنة و المناظير 

خريج كلية الجراحين الملكية بإيرلندا (مرتبة الشرف)

البورد الكندي في الجراحة العامة

البورد الأمريكي في الجراحة

البورد الأمريكي في طب السمنة

زميل كلية الجراحين الملكية بكندا 

زميل كلية الجراحين الأمريكية 

تخصص دقيق في جراحة الأورام

تخصص دقيق في جراحة الكبد والبنكرياس والقنوات المرارية

Education & Training


Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland



Residency, General Surgery, University of Ottawa


Fellowship, Surgical Oncology & HPB Surgery


Staff Surgeon, The Ottawa Hospital

Research Publications

Colorectal cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer with approximately half of the patients developing liver metastases during the course of their disease. Modern multimodal therapies have improved the overall survival. Liver resection remains the most important modality in the treatment of colorectal liver metastases. The evolution of the criteria for resectability has resulted in more patients being offered a hepatectomy. This is further augmented with the utilization of adjuncts to liver resection, including portal vein embolization and local ablative techniques. Two-stage hepatectomy is also being used to increase resectability. Overall survival is improved by the deployment of new chemotherapeutic agents and the use of combination chemotherapy. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy is a promising development in the treatment of colorectal liver metastases. Patients with colorectal liver metastases can achieve long-term survival. A multidisciplinary approach is essential in the management of these patients.


The resectability of colorectal liver metastases is in part largely based on the surgeon's assessment of cross-sectional imaging. This process, while guided by principles, is subjective. The objective of the present study was to assess agreement between hepatic surgeons regarding the resectability of colorectal liver metastases.


Forty-six hepatic surgeons across Canada were invited. A patient with biologically favourable disease was presented after having received neoadjuvant chemotherapy. The scenario was matched with 10 different scrollable abdominal CT scans representing a maximum response after six cycles of chemotherapy. Surgeons were asked to offer an opinion on resectability of liver metastases, and whether they would use adjunct modalities to hepatic resection.


Twenty-six surgeons participated. Twenty responses were complete. The median number of scenarios deemed resectable was 6/10 (range 3–8). Two control scenarios demonstrated perfect agreement. Agreement on resectability was poor for 4/8 test scenarios, of which one scenario demonstrated complete disagreement. Among resectable cases, the pattern of use of adjunct modalities was variable. A median ratio of 0.87 adjunct modality per resectable scenario per surgeon was used (range 0.25–1.75).


A significant lack of agreement was identified among surgeons on the resectability and use of adjunct modalities in the treatment of colorectal liver metastases.


- 2009 -

Best research paper. Division of General Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of Ottawa

د. وليد مال الله

إستشاري جراحة عامة و سمنة و مناظير

Dr Waleed Malallah

General Surgeon

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